Get All the Information You Need to Capitalize on Opportunities in Hydrogen & Hydrogen Derivatives
While the U.S. has focused incentives on the production side of the hydrogen economy, the success of innumerable clean hydrogen projects will depend on exporting H2 and its derivatives such as ammonia and e-methane to Asian and European markets.
Though U.S. producers are well positioned to supply this global demand, U.S. production must be scaled up, tax credits and private capital obtained, and international offtake contracts and transportation arrangements secured.
The cutting-edge Global Clean Hydrogen Summit is where you will gain the full understanding of how to meet the challenges of both producing clean hydrogen and navigating the complexities of supplying international markets in order to seize this remarkable opportunity.
Join us next month for your best chance to:
• Assess the opportunities to supply clean hydrogen and derivatives such as ammonia and methanol to international and domestic markets
• Hear what international buyers are looking for in offtake arrangements
• Learn where Hydrogen Hub award winning projects stand, and their paths forward
• Examine how scaling up clean hydrogen production and transportation is working to reduce the costs of delivery to international and domestic markets
• Learn how to meet 45V hourly matching requirements, and how to structure projects to obtain tax equity and commercial financing
• Hear what will be needed to establish clean hydrogen commodity markets, both domestically and globally, and how first steps are now being taken to make them a reality