Federal Highway Administration - Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Charging Technologies and Infrastructure Needs
Publish Date: 10/21/2024


Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Department of Transportation (DOT).


Notice; request for information (RFI).


The FHWA, along with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office), invites public comment on this request for information (RFI) regarding the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Charging Technologies and Infrastructure Needs. This RFI seeks input in four areas to support medium and heavy-duty (MHD) battery electric vehicles (EV) (DOT vehicle classes 4 through 8) including: unique EV charger and station needs; vehicle charging patterns; MHD EV charger technology and standardization; and workforce, supply chain, and manufacturing to support charging of MHD battery EVs. The goal is to inform appropriate future Federal Government activities to support the development and deployment of EV chargers to support the anticipated needs of MHD EV original equipment manufacturers, fleet operators, drivers, charging station operators, and electric utilities. Comments should also address how to balance advances in technology with the need to expeditiously build out the national EV charging infrastructure, including support for MHD segments.


Responses to the RFI must be received by November 12, 2024. Late-filed comments will be considered to the extent practicable.


Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.govunder docket number FHWA-2024-0028. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. Alternatively, interested persons may submit comments, identified by docket number FHWA-2024-0028, by any of the following methods:

Postal Mail:Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590.

Hand Delivery/Courier: West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. E.T., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is (202) 366-9329.

Docket:The docket for this activity, which includes Federal Register notices, comments, and other supporting documents/materials, is available for review at www.regulations.gov.

All documents in the docket are listed in the www.regulations.gov

index. However, not all documents listed in the index may be publicly available, such as information that is exempt from public disclosure.


Questions about this notice may be addressed to Suraiya Motsinger, FHWA Office of Natural Environment, via email at Suraiya.motsinger@dot.gov or telephone (202) 366-4287 or Sarah Hipel, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, via email at sarah.hipel@ee.doe.gov

or telephone (240) 994-0050. For legal questions, please contact Dawn Horan, FHWA Office of Chief Counsel, via email at Dawn.M.Horan@dot.gov or telephone (202) 366-9615 or Matthew Schneider, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of the General Counsel, via email at

matthew.schneider@hq.doe.gov or telephone at (240) 597-6265. 

Tags: Grants

OCTA - Design-Build of Hydrogen Fueling Station and Facility Modifications at Garden Grove Bus Base
Publish Date: 10/14/2024

Solicitation: Title:Design-Build of Hydrogen Fueling Station and Facility Modifications at Garden Grove Bus Base

Solicitation Number:42448

Brief Description: The Orange County Transportation Authority invites statements of qualifications from qualified contractors to design, construct and deliver a turnkey hydrogen fueling station and facility modifications at the Garden Grove Bus Base.

Instructions: Please download solicitation package for full instructions.

Date Posted:9/23/2024

Closing Date:10/22/2024

Tags: Grants

California's renewable hydrogen hub officially launches
Publish Date: 7/17/2024

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                   Contact: Hayley Carbullido

July 17, 2024                                                                                                                                              media@archesh2.org

U.S. Department of Energy Officially Awards up to $1.2 Billion to Advance Clean Hydrogen Projects in Communities Across California

California– Today, the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) officially announced the signing of a landmark $12.6 billion agreement, including up to $1.2 billion from the DOE and $11.4 billion in public and private matching funds, to build and expand clean energy infrastructure across California.

This transformative investment, which will directly reduce California’s reliance on fossil fuels, marks a major step forward in the state’s efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2045 and follows California’s selection last October as one of seven awardees of the DOE’s Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs)–catalyzing a national network of clean hydrogen producers, consumers, and connective infrastructure. ARCHES is the first of the seven H2Hubs to officially sign their agreement with the DOE.

“I was proud to help secure $1.2 billion of federal investments through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to build a hydrogen hub right here in California,” said Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.). “The path to achieving California’s ambitious clean energy goals runs through ARCHES, and I’m excited to see the California Hydrogen Hub kickoff with this initial round of funding. California is leading the nation with the first hydrogen hub to sign a cooperative agreement, and we will continue to lead by decarbonizing goods movement, the energy sector, and heavy industry.”

The overall investment, starting with $30 million for the first tranche of funding out of the total project federal cost share of up to $1.2 billion, is projected to create over 220,000 well-paying jobs. At full build out, it is estimated that ARCHES DOE projects will result in $2.95 billion per year in decreased healthcare costs due to improved air quality, particularly along transportation corridors.

“The Department of Energy’s announcement to fund ARCHES is a monumental step forward in the state’s efforts to achieve its air quality, climate and energy goals, while improving the health and wellbeing of Californians and creating new green jobs across the state,” said Angelina Galiteva, CEO, ARCHES. “We are grateful to the DOE for its commitment to building a sustainable hydrogen ecosystem and marketplace and look forward to working with our project partners, stakeholders and diverse communities throughout the state to make this project a success.”

Spearheaded by Governor Newsom, California’s bold climate policies, including the California Climate Crisis Act (AB 1279), the 2022 Scoping Plan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, the Executive Order on Zero-Emission Vehicles, and the forthcoming all-of-government Hydrogen Market Development Strategy, all work together to send strong signals about the critical role of hydrogen in decarbonizing the state’s economy. Each of the selected ARCHES projects will play a significant role in improving air quality and public health in many underserved communities throughout California.

ARCHES projects will span statewide, covering the full hydrogen lifecycle from production to use, including, but not limited to: 

Renewable Hydrogen Production – More than 10 sites will produce enough clean renewable hydrogen to fuel the projects below and kickstart the buildout of the greater hydrogen ecosystem.
Ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles & Oakland – These projects will replace diesel-powered cargo-handling equipment with hydrogen fuel cell equivalents and associated fueling infrastructure, reducing emissions and community health impacts while reimagining large-scale transportation operations.
Heavy Duty Trucks and Transit Buses – ARCHES plans to build over 60 hydrogen fueling stations to enable over 5,000 Class 6-8 fuel cell electric trucks and over 1,000 fuel cell electric buses–directly replacing diesel fuel with a zero emission option in our City streets and freeways across the State and making the air in California’s most impacted communities healthier to breathe.
Clean Power – Both the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Northern California Power Agency will transition key power plants to 100 percent renewable hydrogen. Distributed fuel cells will be used to support grid operations throughout the state and to provide resilience in key regions of the state, including on the Federally Recognized reservation of the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians.
Scripps Marine Vessel – A first-of-its-kind hydrogen-powered 140-foot, 50-person marine research vessel will use liquid hydrogen to replace tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel per year. The vessel will convert 75 percent of its emissions to be fossil-free, significantly reducing CO2 emissions and demonstrating a sustainable path forward for smaller water and harbor crafts.
In the coming weeks, ARCHES will be announcing additional projects and partners who will receive Hub funding.

ARCHES, in collaboration with communities, stakeholders and policymakers, remains committed to ensuring an equitable transition to renewable hydrogen. The projects selected are focused on delivering direct benefits to communities with the highest pollution burdens, with robust community engagement and innovative systems to ensure the program delivers on its promises.

WHAT ARCHES LEADERS ARE SAYING (in alphabetical order)

“California stands as a beacon of innovation and hope,” said Dr. Bill Burke, ARCHES Board Member. “The establishment of ARCHES as the hydrogen hub in California symbolizes more than just scientific advancement; it is a testament to our collective dream of a sustainable future where clean energy and equal opportunity uplift every community and provides equitable advancement for the future of our workforce. Together, we are planting seeds of change and nurturing a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.”

“Berkeley Lab welcomes the Department of Energy’s plans to build and expand renewable, clean hydrogen projects in California that will serve as a catalyst in accelerating our nation’s transition to clean energy. We are proud to support the University of California and the state of California in partnering with ARCHES by offering our technical expertise in hydrogen and energy related analysis. We look forward to being a scientific and technical resource for the development and deployment of hydrogen in California as part of the wider effort to decarbonize the state’s economy,” said Carol Burns, Deputy Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

“The Department of Energy completing the negotiation of a cooperative agreement with ARCHES to award funding to begin development of projects for its hydrogen hub will create thousands of union careers while providing continued employment for existing skilled and trained union members as California builds out a hydrogen ecosystem providing a versatile carbon-free fuel for our future,” said Chris Hannan, President of the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California and founding ARCHES Board Member. “ARCHES’ commitment to workforce standards and training will ensure the safest and highest quality construction of these projects by the best trained men and women in the construction industry. Thank you to the Department of Energy and ARCHES teams for all of their hard work to reach this agreement.”

“This is an important and exciting moment for California and the University of California to accelerate our shared decarbonization and public health goals,” said Theresa Maldonado, Vice President for Research and Innovation at the University of California and Chair of the ARCHES Board of Directors, “UC is proud to be a founding member of ARCHES, and to help leverage this exciting clean energy technology for the benefit of the people of California and the economic vitality of the state.”

“California tribes are excited to work with ARCHES on the Hub project which will help accelerate the state’s future of renewable energy and the development of the Hydrogen Trail initiative to bring sustainable energy stations and clean hydrogen to Federally Recognized reservations and rural communities,” stated Bo Mazzetti, Chairman of the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, and ARCHES Board Member.

“Formally signing this Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Energy to develop California’s Renewable Hydrogen Hub is a pivotal milestone on California’s march to carbon neutrality—economy wide,” said GO-Biz Director and Senior Advisor to Governor Gavin Newsom, and founding ARCHES Board Member Dee Dee Myers. “We are eager to put Californians to work building the future—a future powered by clean, renewable hydrogen that benefits all California’s residents.”

To learn more about California’s clean energy future, visit arches.org.


About ARCHES: The Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) is a statewide public-private partnership designed to accelerate renewable hydrogen’s contribution to decarbonizing California’s economy. ARCHES was founded by the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, the University of California system, the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California, and the Renewables 100 Policy Institute. ARCHES brings together state agencies, academia, industry leaders, and community organizations to advance renewable hydrogen technologies and infrastructure.

Tags: H2 Hubs

DOE - California Hydrogen Hub (ARCHES) -Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
Publish Date: 7/17/2024

Fact sheets currently describe Phase 1

Clean Hydrogen Concept
Selectee name: Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES)

Location: California 

Federal Cost Share: Up to $1.2 billion

Prime Contractor: Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) LLC

Summary: The California Hydrogen Hub spans across the state of California and will leverage the state’s leadership in clean energy technology to produce hydrogen exclusively from renewable energy and biomass. The California Hydrogen Hub will provide a blueprint for decarbonizing public transportation, heavy duty trucking, and port operations—key emissions drivers in the state and sources of air pollution that are among the hardest to decarbonize. In particular, the California Hydrogen Hub will introduce clean hydrogen to heavy duty transport through cargo handling equipment and drayage to support the eventual conversion of maritime equipment at ports and prepare the port for the potential export of hydrogen. The California Hydrogen Hub aims to reduce carbon emissions by 2 million metric tons per year—roughly equivalent to the annual emissions of 445,000 gasoline-powered cars. The expansion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in heavy duty transportation will not only drive improvements in air quality along high pollution interstate transportation corridors but will facilitate greater connectivity and expansion of a clean West Coast freight network that links to the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub. The California Hydrogen Hub will launch the use of hydrogen for power generation, advancing energy security and more resilient systems through a partnership with the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians. This partnership will use hydrogen to provide backup power to community well water pumps to ensure clean drinking water during power outages. The impact of the California Hydrogen Hub is amplified by the state of California’s strong policy and regulatory support for hydrogen including permitting, and, potentially, production and use incentives. 

To ensure the California region’s communities are engaged and have access to the benefits of a clean hydrogen economy, this Hydrogen Hub plans to incorporate robust governance mechanisms, including labor, tribal, and environmental representation on its governing board; strong state requirements for environmental justice; independent monitoring of CBP implementation; and a CBP scorecard with monetary penalties for noncompliance. This H2Hub includes the California State Building & Construction Trades Council as a founding member and has committed to requiring Project Labor Agreements for all projects connected to the Hub. The H2Hub will also partner with local and minority-owned businesses, minority-serving institutions, and organizations targeting workers facing employment barriers to ensure economic benefits and quality jobs are available to underrepresented groups. This H2Hub anticipates creating 220,000 direct jobs—130,000 in construction jobs and 90,000 permanent jobs. In addition to economic benefits, this H2Hub will also provide local benefits to communities including reducing harmful air pollution that will result in significant health-related savings each year at full buildout.

For more information, email CaliforniaH2Hub@hq.doe.gov.

Tags: H2 Hubs

DOE Award Wednesdays - ARCHES HUB
Publish Date: 7/17/2024

Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs
California Hydrogen Hub (ARCHES)

OCED awarded the California Hydrogen Hub—led by the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES)—with $30 million for the first tranche of funding out of the total project federal cost share of up to $1.2 billion to begin Phase 1 of the project plan. OCED is working with ARCHES to build the California Hydrogen Hub, a network of clean hydrogen production sites that incorporate multiple facilities at California ports, with the ultimate goal of decarbonizing public transportation, heavy duty trucking, and port operations by 2 million metric tons per year—roughly the equivalent to annual emissions of 445,000 gasoline-powered cars. The expansion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in heavy-duty transportation aims to not only drive improvements in air quality along high pollution interstate transportation corridors but also to facilitate greater connectivity and expansion of a clean West Coast freight network that links to the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub. During Phase 1, which is expected to last up to 18 months, ARCHES will conduct planning, analysis, and design activities in addition to ongoing stakeholder and community engagement.

View the project fact sheet and Community Benefits Commitments summary here. Learn more about engagement opportunities here.

Tags: H2 Hubs

Caltrans - Call for Medium- and Heavy-Duty ZeroEmission Vehicle Charging and Hydrogen Fueling Project Concepts Guid
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Director’s Office of Sustainability invites interested providers of medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) charging and hydrogen fueling services to submit project concepts for consideration by Caltrans for nomination to the California Transportation Commission’s (CTC) Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP).1 Projects should align with the state’s goals for equitably advancing the adoption of zero-emission vehicles. Caltrans is searching for ZEV infrastructure projects to nominate to TCEP that would otherwise be unavailable to parties without the support and nomination from a public agency.

Submission of a project concept is the initial step for entities that wish to engage with Caltrans for potential nomination to the CTC’s competitive grant funding opportunity for MHD charging and hydrogen fueling projects through TCEP.

Outside of this call for project concepts, Caltrans encourages charging and hydrogen fueling providers to engage with the Department on ideas to advance transportation electrification.

Action Date:

  • Release of call for project concepts 06/20/2024
  • Deadline to submit questions for FAQ 06/26/2024
  • Anticipated posting of FAQ 07/03/2024
  • Project concepts due 07/10/2024 by 11:59 p.m. PDT


Read more Here

Tags: Grants

California Transportation Commission (CTC) Trade Corridor Enhancements Program (TCEP)
Publish Date: 7/3/2024


CalTrans is soliciting project concepts for Medium- and Heavy-duty ZEV Infrastructure (charging and H2) of up to $60MM (recommended 50% cash cost share) to be submitted to the California Transportation Commission 2024 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (see links).
• The CalTrans project concept submittal deadline is July 10, 2024, 11:59 pm PDT.
CalTrans is soliciting project concepts for Medium- and Heavy-duty ZEV Infrastructure (charging and H2)

Tags: Grants

EPA Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) $939M Grant Program
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

The EPA anticipates awarding up to $932 million in competitive grant funding under the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants Program Notice of Funding Opportunity. The program is soliciting applications nationwide for a grant competition to fund the replacement of existing non-zero-emission Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles.

All application packages must be submitted electronically to the EPA through Grants.gov no later than Wednesday, July 25, 2024 at 11:59PM (ET) to be considered for funding.

Eligible applicants include: States, Municipalities, Public Schools, Indian Tribes
• Eligible vehicles include: Class 6 & 7 vehicles
• Eligible projects costs include: Incremental cost of ZEV, infrastructure purchase & installation, driver and technician training, project management
Applications due July 25
• Read more Here

Tags: Grants

NYSERDA has made updates to round 2 of PON 5500, which include
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

• Proposal Due date changed from July 15, 2024, to August 8, 2024.
• Funding Category B (Pilot and Demonstration Projects) changed to two separate subcategories: Subcategory B1 for pilot-scale design projects, and Subcategory B2 for final design, construction, and operation of demonstration projects.
• Added new requirements for cost sharing.
• Updated requirements for proposal attachments.

A list of frequently asked questions can be found at the solicitation website: PON5500 Frequently Asked Questions. Proposers are encouraged to check this FAQ file regularly for any updates.

Tags: Grants

Ca. Energy Commission - MDHD ZEV Station Development in California - Beta Version
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

• This is an interactive dashboard that allows the user to zoom in to see where MDHD ZEV projects are being developed in California, with data fields including the address of public stations and port and/or nozzle counts.
• Members comment on the CEC Docket and the request from CEC to provide feedback for their HD Station Map.
CEC MDHD ZEV Station Map
CEC Docket (24-ALT-01)

Tags: Grants

Ca. Air Resources Board - Innovative Small E-Fleet (ISEF) Funding
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

ISEF is currently open, with $38 million available for eligible small fleets to request increased vouchers.

California fleets can visit the ISEF Purchaser webpage to view offerings and apply to participate in ISEF. Guidelines to participate in ISEF are available through Appendix F of HVIP's Fiscal Year 2023-24 Implementation Manual.

  • 52 unique small fleets requested vouchers for FY 2021-22
  • 78% of vouchers requested were for trucks domiciled in a disadvantaged community
  • Average fleet size for participants was 5 vehicles
  • $25M allocated for Fiscal Year 2020-21, an additional $10M was allocated from broader HVIP to meet the demand by small fleets
  • $33M allocated for Fiscal Year 2022-23, an additional $50M was allocated from broader HVIP to further fund ISEF vouchers for small fleet purchases
  • $14.3M allocated for Fiscal Year 2023-24

Read more Here

Tags: Grants

Sacramento Metro Air District
Publish Date: 7/3/2024

The Sac Metro Air District has over $10 million in mobile source incentive funding to improve air quality and promote cleaner technology in Sacramento. Funding is available to replace existing heavy-duty vehicles with zero or near-zero-emission trucks and buses, replace older farm tractors, upgrade locomotives, install low-carbon fueling infrastructure, and fund other eligible project categories. Click the links below to learn more about our grant solicitation and program requirements.

• SACAQMD has allocated more than $13 million for zero-emission trucks and other innovative mobile source projects
• Applications opened on June 24
• Read more Here


Tags: Grants

U.S. Department of Transportation’s Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant Program
Publish Date: 5/22/2024

Purpose of Request:
The California Energy Commission (CEC) in partnership with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) are seeking information to support potential medium- and heavy-duty corridor projects under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program (CFI Program). California plans to be the lead applicant for a Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 tri-state medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) CFI corridor proposal. In this Request for Information, the three states are seeking input regarding where sites would be most used and useful in the near term (2024-2027), site characteristics, power level and types of charging, and other factors that will better inform the states’ application to deploy publicly accessible charging infrastructure for zero-emission MDHD vehicles.

The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (JOET) recently released its National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy.1 The strategy describes a phased approach for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) charging and fueling infrastructure, establishing hubs from 2024 to 2027 and connecting those hubs from 2027 to 2030. The JOET encourages parties to align with this strategy in funding applications, and this RFI seeks to gather insights to aid in sequencing the tri-state CFI application(s) with this strategy. The vision of the three states is to identify a limited number of MDHD battery electric hubs and connections in a tri-state FY 2024 CFI application for publicly accessible battery-electric charging infrastructure. California, Oregon, and Washington retain the vision of fostering a West Coast MDHD battery-electric and hydrogen highway along Interstate 5 (I-5) (and beyond) in the coming years. The two future rounds of CFI applications may consider a focus on publicly accessible hydrogen fueling and filling in gaps for both MDHD charging and hydrogen fueling stations.

California intends to submit one tri-state application for FY 2024 for three project sites in California, two project sites in Oregon, and two project sites in Washington to achieve a publicly accessible network of hubs that reflect the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy2 along I-5. Funding awarded to the tri-state project would be competitively bid in a formal solicitation process by each state. 

The FY 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity has not yet been released for CFI. The three states are doing advanced planning, and seek responses and comments to this RFI, via docket by June 10, 2024

Tags: Grants

EPA’s $3B for Ports
Publish Date: 5/13/2024

• $2.8B for ZE Port Equipment and Infrastructure
• $150M for Climate and Air Quality Planning
Read more Here

Due May 28

Tags: Grants

CEC $16M Hydrogen Project Funding $16M Hydrogen Project Funding
Publish Date: 5/13/2024

• Eligible items include, but are not limited to, compressors, chillers, liquid and gaseous hydrogen pumps and storage, electrolysis equipment, transformers, switch gear, hydrogen pumps, high-pressure storage, point-of-sale systems, piping, and pipelines.
Read more Here

Tags: Grants

VW Zero-Emission Freight and Marine (ZEFM) Grant Fund Open
Publish Date: 5/13/2024
  • $20M Available
  • Stacking with CORE Allowed
  • Eligible equipment includes forklifts (>8,000#) Airport GSE, Terminal Tractors, Ferries/Tug Re-powers, Shore Power & More
  • First-come, First-served basis until funding is exhausted
  • Read more Here
Tags: Grants

EnergIIZE Hydrogen Funding Lane Opening
Publish Date: 5/13/2024

• Highest incentive funding cap of all EnergIIZE funding lanes
• Covers 50-75% of eligible equipment and software costs up to $3 million (standard) or $4 million (Jump Start equity criteria).
• Covers a wide range of H2 Infrastructure Equipment & Software
Read more about EnergIIZE Here  Register for EnergIIzE Funding Workshop Here

Tags: Grants

The Clean Hydrogen Program GFO-23-307 Large-Scale Centralized Hydrogen Production solicitation (H2CENTRAL)
Publish Date: 5/6/2024

• Questions and Answers document and Addendum 1 will now be released the week of May 6, 2024, GFO web page located here . 

Tags: Grants

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Grants to Invest in America’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Transition
Publish Date: 4/24/2024

WASHINGTON — Today, April 24, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the launch of the nearly $1 billion Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program to fund the replacement of certain polluting heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission vehicles. Funded through the Inflation Reduction Act under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA will award competitive grants for projects that will reduce climate and air pollution from heavy-duty vehicles, support good-paying jobs and improve air quality for communities across the country, particularly those overburdened by air pollution.

“President Biden and his entire administration are working to ensure every community can breathe clean air. EPA’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program will slash climate and air pollution and enhance the country’s infrastructure by funding the deployment of zero-emissions vehicles and installation of supporting infrastructure,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “The program’s historic investment in zero-emission vehicles will secure our nation’s position as a global leader in clean technologies that address the impacts of climate change.”

Tags: Grants

Nel plans gigafactory in Michigan
Publish Date: 5/3/2023

Volldal emphasizes that the short distance to General Motors, headquartered in Detroit, has played a decisive role in the choice of state. The two companies collaborate to develop further and improve Nel’s PEM electrolyser technology.

“Having Nel’s new facility close to our home base of HYDROTEC development, in southeastern Michigan, will help us more quickly accelerate our electrolyzer collaboration,” says GM executive director of HYDROTEC Charlie Freese.

“This technology is critical in helping bring down costs, while also creating a more sustainable hydrogen supply,” he says.“This technology is critical in helping bring down costs, while also creating a more sustainable hydrogen supply,” he says.

Tags: Hydrogen, Research

Coming Green Hydrogen Wave Set to Create Thousands of New Union Jobs
Publish Date: 4/28/2023

“We were in the mechanical era 50 years ago, and now we’re in the electrical era, and soon to come we’ll be in the hydrogen era,” said Local 11 Business Director of Renewables Tommy Faave said. “This is the next era of good-paying electrical jobs – whether it’s hydrogen production, storage, or transportation – hydrogen projects like these are going to be key to building up our membership and bringing in more apprentices and more journeymen into Local 11. Fossil fuels are not going to be around forever.”

Tags: H2 Hubs

NFI receives third zero-emission contract from RTC, for up to 107 New Flyer fuel cell-electric buses, expanding sustainable, high-capacity mobility in Southern Nevada
Publish Date: 4/28/2023

RTC has awarded New Flyer a five-year contract with an initial firm order for seven zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell-electric Xcelsior CHARGE FC™ 60-foot heavy-duty transit buses (or 14 Equivalent Units “EUs”), as well as the option to purchase up to 100 buses (200 EUs) over the duration of the contract. In total, NFI added up to 107 buses (214 EUs) to its first-quarter 2023 backlog from firm and option orders. 

Tags: Buses

Researchers devise new system for turning seawater into hydrogen fuel
Publish Date: 4/11/2023
Tags: Hydrogen, Research

A new dawn for hydrogen mobility in Europe
Publish Date: 4/26/2023

With the EU’s commitment to hydrogen stations every 200km on major roads, the industry now sees a positive sign to push forward with the development of a hydrogen mobility ecosystem. OEMs, suppliers, energy companies and organizations all see a clear path to introduce hydrogen and FCEVs in the mobility ecosystem.

Tags: Cars, Trucks, Stations

Recipient of 2022 California Platinum Proton Award Announced: State Senator Josh Newman
Publish Date: 4/18/2023
Tags: Cars, Stations
