FCEV Sales, FCEB, & Hydrogen Station Data

The table shows how many fuel cell cars have been sold and leased, how many fuel cell buses are on the road, and how many hydrogen stations are open in California.

Numbers as of July 3, 2024 Total
FCEVs—Fuel cell cars sold and leased in US* 18,279
FCEBs—Fuel cell buses in operation in California 66
Fuel cell buses in development in California >103
Hydrogen stations available in California** 55
Retail hydrogen stations in construction in California*** 2
Retail hydrogen stations in permitting in California*** 18
Retail hydrogen stations proposed in California*** 4
Retail hydrogen stations funded, but not in development in California*** 84
Total retail hydrogen stations in development in California*** 108
Truck hydrogen stations in operation in California 3
Truck hydrogen stations funded in California**** 9


Vehicle sales data from Baum and Associates. Sales data is based on car sales sold by a dealer to a retail or fleet customerFCEV Sales Data sheet
FCEB Source:  AC Transit, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), SunLine Transit, UC Irvine
Hydrogen station source: Air Liquide, Air Products, GO-Biz, ITM Power, Iwatani, Shell, True Zero

***Stations in development categories
The following development categories define the various stages of development for hydrogen stations serving light-duty (passenger) fuel cell electric vehicles following applicable standards. Location and timing are tentative until the station is completed.

Construction = have begun construction or are in commissioning.

In Permitting = have either began their pre-permit application, the permit is in process, planning approval is in process, or the station has been given approval to build.

Proposed = have established site control.

Funded but not in development = In late 2020, the California Energy Commission funded (GFO 19-602) more than 100 stations. Station developers submitted lists of stations to be funded in batches. While the first batch of funding required station locations, station locations were not required for subsequent batches. As these station locations are identified, they will be added to the proposed category.

**** 5 dual-purpose stations (passenger and heavy-duty truck) were announced in the recent California Energy Commission funding announcement (GFO 19-602).

A listing of California funded stations can be found here.

The table shows how many fuel cell cars have been sold and leased, and how many fuel cell buses are on the road in Japan.

Numbers as of June 30, 2022 Total
FCEVs—Fuel cell cars sold and leased in Japan 7,404
FCEBs—Fuel cell buses in operation in Japan 120


Number of total Japan FCEV sales and FCEB data from Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).