US Department of Energy announces funding for several hydrogen projects
Publish Date: 8/11/2020
$3 million to Cummins for PEM fuel cell systems for heavy-duty applications; $3 million to Plug Power for domestically manufactured fuel cells for heavy-duty applications; $4 million to the University of California, Irvine, for solid oxide electrolysis cells integrated with direct reduced iron plants for the production of green steel; $8 million to Hornblower Yachts for a marine hydrogen demonstration in San Francisco; $6 million to Caterpillar for a system demonstration for supplying clean, reliable and affordable electric power to data centers using hydrogen fuel; $1 million to Nikola for advanced membranes for heavy duty fuel cell trucks;
Tags: Trucks, Heavy Duty, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells

‘You can’t just fill a battery’: Proponents say hydrogen power is trucking’s best path forward, critics argue otherwise
Publish Date: 8/11/2020
“I think the most important thing is that we need to begin to build regional scale centers where we can begin to deploy these technologies in a serious way,” [Cummins CEO] Linebarger said. “Deployment for storage, renewable storage, deployment for transportation and deployment for industry. I think Southern California is a good example but we need more of those places in more parts of the world. We don’t want just spot solutions. We need regional areas where all the technologies are deployed, we can all come down to scale, investors can make money and then we can go to the next spot. And I think whoever does it, the next one will do it and we all benefit.”
Tags: Trucks

EPRI and GTI Launch Initiative to Accelerate Low-Carbon Energy Technologies
Publish Date: 8/10/2020
American Electric Power, Con Edison, Dominion Energy, Duke Energy, Exelon Corporation, Lincoln Electric System, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Missouri River Energy Services, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Americas, National Fuel, New York Power Authority, Portland General Electric, PPL Corporation, Salt River Project, SoCalGas, Southern California Edison, Southern Company, and the Tennessee Valley Authority
Tags: Research

Who Will Own the Hydrogen Future: Oil Companies or Utilities? Utilities NextEra, Iberdrola and Uniper have all launched recent forays into green hydrogen, challenging a sector dominated by oil companies.
Publish Date: 8/8/2020
Tags: Hydrogen

The Future Lies In : EV? or FCEV?
Publish Date: 8/8/2020
Tags: Cars, Trucks, Buses

World’s first hydrogen-powered double decker buses to be launched in Scotland
Publish Date: 8/7/2020
Tags: Buses

“Green” Hydrogen: Critical to Powering a Carbon-Free Future
Publish Date: 8/7/2020
This decade will be crucial to scale up the industry and show the long-term policy support that is necessary to stimulate investor appetite and make it a big job creator for Americans. Some important policies include: Passing a national, economywide net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050 Accelerating the transition to zero-emission trucks and buses through emission standards, including the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, as well as multi-state collaborations like the medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle memorandum of understanding recently signed by 15 states and the District of Columbia. Establishing a procurement mandate for gas utilities to blend a minimum and safe level of green hydrogen in delivered gas to buildings Including incentives for green hydrogen deployment in near-term stimulus packages. Incentives could be targeted toward 1) green hydrogen demonstration projects in steel manufacturing and high-heat industries; and 2) helping refineries and fertilizer producers transition to green hydrogen. Establishing procurement standards for “green” steel in public infrastructure projects and “green” fertilizer in public agricultural projects
Tags: Hydrogen

Caltech: Analysis of Renewable Energy Points Policy Makers to Path Toward More Affordable and Reliable Carbon-Free Electricity
Publish Date: 8/6/2020
"Long-duration storage helps avoid the need to overbuild power generation infrastructure and provides electricity when people need it rather than only when nature provides it. At current technology costs, storage in underground caverns of green hydrogen generated by water electrolysis would provide a cost-effective approach for long-duration grid storage."
Tags: Hydrogen

Britain lacks a clear hydrogen strategy
Publish Date: 8/6/2020
Last month, the EAC held an evidence session on hydrogen as part of their inquiry into technological innovation and climate change. Based on this evidence, Philipp Dunne, MP and chairman of the committee has written to Business Secretary Alok Sharma, stating that although the UK has the expertise to scale up low-carbon hydrogen, it lags behind other nations such as Australia, Canada and Japan who have all launched ambitious strategies. ‘The Committee heard time and again during evidence that the UK’s lack of a Hydrogen Strategy by Government is holding back efforts to make scaling up hydrogen production a reality.
Tags: Hydrogen

China Hydrogen Alliance and the Hydrogen Council co-release report
Publish Date: 8/6/2020
The China Hydrogen Alliance and the Hydrogen Council have co-released the Chinese version of a report titled ‘Path to Hydrogen Competitiveness – A Cost Perspective”.
Tags: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Stations, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Research

Plug Power planning new 'gigafactory,' although location undecided
Publish Date: 8/6/2020
Tags: Heavy Duty

Europe is going all in on hydrogen power. Why isn’t the US?
Publish Date: 8/6/2020
The result, according to Bhavnagri, will be a world that increasingly looks to Europe for hydrogen manufacturing systems — leaving the United States in the dust. For green hydrogen, he warned, “you will go to the European players.”
Tags: Hydrogen

Cummins adds to its fuel cell leadership, receives two US Department of Energy awards for hydrogen fuel cell powertrains
Publish Date: 8/5/2020
Tags: Trucks, Buses, Fuel Cells

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Powered by Ballard Have Now Driven Over 50 Million Kilometers – Enough to Circle the Globe 1,250 Times
Publish Date: 8/4/2020
This includes approximately 1,000 Fuel Cell Electric Buses (FCEBs) and 2,200 commercial trucks. Approximately 70% of the more than 50 million kilometers has been achieved in FCEVs deployed in China, with the remaining vehicles deployed in Europe and North America. For the first half of 2020, FCEVs monitored by Ballard delivered fuel cell uptime of approximately 98%.
Tags: Trucks, Buses, Fuel Cells

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Powered by Ballard Have Now Driven Over 50 Million Kilometers – Enough to Circle the Globe 1,250 Times
Publish Date: 8/4/2020
Ballard PEM fuel cell technology and products – with the 8th generation power module launched in 2019 – have been integrated for many years into FCEVs to provide zero-emission power for vehicle propulsion in 15 countries around the world. This includes approximately 1,000 Fuel Cell Electric Buses (FCEBs) and 2,200 commercial trucks. Approximately 70% of the more than 50 million kilometers has been achieved in FCEVs deployed in China, with the remaining vehicles deployed in Europe and North America.
Tags: Trucks, Buses, Fuel Cells

Nel is a world leader, but everything goes to export: - Sad that Norway relinquishes the leadership position; orea and the USA in particular are in shock, says Nel director Jon André Løkke.
Publish Date: 8/4/2020
Tags: Hydrogen

Here's how hydrogen can help fuel a clean, green recovery
Europe shows the way and has truly placed hydrogen at the heart of its recovery plan; but given the nature of hydrogen technologies, this may not be enough. For Europe to reap the benefits of its ambitions plan, it needs a global market for hydrogen. Vice versa, only if others take advantage of and follow Europe’s bold move, can we scale up hydrogen to the level needed to achieve our shared climate targets.
Tags: Hydrogen

Air District funds its first loan guarantee for zero-emission fuel cell ferry
SWITCH’s flagship vessel is a first-of-its-kind 84-passenger, fuel cell electric “e-ferry” that is currently in the final phases of construction and will commence operation on a route between Oakland and San Francisco later this year. This project will have the added benefits of creating work for 63 people while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and diesel particulate matter for impacted communities around the Port of Oakland.
Tags: Heavy Duty

Hydrogen Should Be the Next Big Energy Business for Texas
Tags: Hydrogen

The EU Hydrogen Strategy: why it should be welcomed
We support the strategy's focus on creating lead markets for mobility and industrial applications as well as the endorsement of a "full supply chain" to synchronise the scaling of supply and demand for clean hydrogen.
Tags: Hydrogen

Cummins fuel cells "in training" for their 2022 Winter Olympics debut
Publish Date: 7/31/2020
For close to two years, Cummins fuel cells have been doing their own Olympic style training by powering 74 transit buses on the roads in Zhangjiakou. A challenging location with elevation at over 2,300 feet and temperatures reaching as low as 17 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, our Cummins fuel cell powered buses are ready for the test.
Tags: Buses

World's first byproduct hydrogen power plant opened
Tags: Fuel Cells

Toshiba's megawatt fuel cells have enough juice to power a factory; Hydrogen system bolsters Japan's efforts toward renewables
Toshiba is set to roll out a hydrogen-powered fuel cell system capable of generating enough electricity to power 1,000 homes, or an entire factory or hospital in a boost to a government push of the zero-emission energy source. Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions has developed a 1 megawatt system consisting of at least 10 of its existing 100kW hydrogen fuel cells and will start selling it as early as this fiscal year. A megawatt equals 1,000kW.
Tags: Fuel Cells

Kvaerner will build hydrogen modules together with Nel
Tags: Hydrogen

Linde to Build and Operate World's First Hydrogen Refueling Station for Passenger Trains
Tags: Heavy Duty
