Powered by hydrogen, Hyundai's trucks aim to conquer the Swiss Alps
Tags: Trucks

The International Olympic Committee’s hydrogen fleet inspires green momentum in Switzerland.
Tags: Cars

The European Green Deal is essentially another name for the hydrogen revolution

"The idea of using hydrogen for long-term, affordable storage has become mainstream in Europe. Today, very few still doubt the role of hydrogen in the energy transition."

Tags: Hydrogen

Europe's largest green hydrogen project starts in Groningen: Gasunie consortium, Groningen Seaports and Shell Nederland start ambitious green hydrogen project 'NortH2 '
Tags: Hydrogen

Green gases from sun and wind are a new opportunity for North Africa
Tags: Hydrogen

Ammonia becomes part of Norway's hydrogen strategy

Norwegian Oil and Energy Minister Tina Bru says that ammonia will be set on equal footing as an energy source in the country's new strategy to develop hydrogen. This could be interesting to shipping, which is looking for new energy types.

Tags: Hydrogen

Listen: Costing sustainable hydrogen: prices, pathways and policies

This episode of the Commodities Focus podcast defines the pathways to H2 decarbonisation, explains what S&P Global Platts is doing to shed light on an opaque market and looks at emerging strategies in Europe and beyond.

Tags: Hydrogen

Europe needs a “Clean Hydrogen Coalition”

Bloomberg analysed recently that Chinese have already become leaders in low-cost manufacturing of the most mature alkaline electrolysis technology, as they sell mostly to domestic markets. Here is why we need a “Hydrogen Coalition” very soon: We need to defend our leading global role in hydrogen technologies. This is cheaper in the end than catching up like we have to do in the field of batteries.

Tags: Hydrogen

The Path for Green Hydrogen: Hope or Hype?
Tags: Hydrogen

Hydrogen energy industry looks to grow in Wales
Tags: Hydrogen

Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District becomes first in the nation with commercial order of 60’ hydrogen fuel cell buses
Tags: Buses

KRRI to Deploy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Train, Powered by Horizon
Tags: Heavy Duty

Low-carbon hydrogen – international project examines new technology

The HyPER project (Bulk Hydrogen Production by Sorbent Enhanced Steam Reforming) will construct a state-of-the-art 1.5 MWth pilot plant at Cranfield University to test an innovative hydrogen production technology that substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Tags: Hydrogen

Tags: Trucks

Eon, the Port of Rotterdam Authority and Deltaport Niederrheinhäfen want to build an infrastructure for propelling ships with "green" energy from hydrogen and battery power.
Tags: Heavy Duty, Hydrogen

Germany wants to import hydrogen from West Africa

Germany is building a partnership with West African countries to import green hydrogen. Research Minister Anja Karliczek said after meeting her colleague Yahouza Sadissou from Niger.

Tags: Hydrogen

Cummins Looks To Power Electric Fleet Vehicles
Tags: Trucks, Buses, Heavy Duty

Can we adjust to oil? - I'm not worried, says the oil expert
Tags: Hydrogen

How Renewable Energy Will Make All The Cheap Hydrogen We Need
Tags: Hydrogen

Faurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies, was recently awarded a significant contract for fuel cell electric vehicle storage systems from Hyundai Motor Company.
Tags: Trucks

Trains go green: focus on battery and hydrogen
Tags: Heavy Duty

CNH Industrial brands IVECO and FPT together with Nikola Motor Company announce future Nikola TRE production in Ulm, Germany

The IVECO manufacturing facility in Ulm, Germany, will host the production hub for the Nikola TRE battery electric and fuel-cell electric heavy-duty truck models.

Tags: Trucks

Zero-carbon hydrogen injected into gas grid for first time in groundbreaking UK trial: Blend of hydrogen and natural gas is being used to heat homes and faculty buildings at Keele University
Tags: Hydrogen

Hyundai Motor to Produce Hydrogen Commercial Cars in China
Tags: Cars
