Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles projected to be less expensive to run than battery electric and internal combustion engine vehicles within 10-years
Dr Alan Finkel is Australia's chief scientist.
Called the Woven City, it will be a fully connected ecosystem powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
The HYBRIT initiative, owned by SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, aims to replace the coke used in iron ore-based steelmaking with hydrogen. Ironmaking accounts for around 90% of SSAB’s carbon dioxide emissions. The new process would emit water instead of carbon dioxide. Laboratory tests and a prefeasibility study have shown that the process works and the pilot plant being built in Luleå, Sweden will be completed in 2020. The aim of the initiative is an ambitious one and will potentially reduce Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions by 10% and Finland’s by 7%.
Four hydrogen-cell-powered Toyota Mirai vehicles, parked backstage, stored the energy that delivered the power.
The hydrogen fuel cells stored clean and renewable energy derived from solar power, with zero carbon emissions. U2 are the first international touring band to use hydrogen power at a show and the second Tokyo gig was the first sold-out show to use this energy source to power the backline.
"The biggest challenge is that we have to make progress in a variety of areas in terms of the energy transition and climate protection, not only in the electricity market, but also in mobility, building heating and industry. Hydrogen as a universal energy storage is an indispensable building block."
Don Brunell, retired president of the Association of Washington Business, writes, "Now that hydrogen technology is growing in acceptance, it is starting to scale up, reduce production costs, and accelerate infrastructure and research."
With a 12X increase in the capacity of electrolyzers on its way over the next five years, hydrogen is poised to begin delivering on its promise.
"I think there's a preconception in a lot of places that fuel cells versus battery electric vehicles is the right conversation. I disagree with that. Fuel cell electric vehicles offer a very distinct set of advantages for certain use cases. In other cases, battery electric vehicles will be a very strong option. Our focus should be on removing internal combustion engines and moving toward a situation where we have a zero carbon solution for all of mobility."
“Our first pilot hydrogen station is going to be installed next year in Arizona, and that’s where Anheuser-Busch has a location,” affirms [Jesse] Schneider [executive vice president of Nikola Motor], “and in 2022, we’ll be spreading out to California – planning to ramp up to 10 stations to California and then expand beyond that.”